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December 2019 meeting and Christmas luncheon

TACW 2019 dec meeting .jpg

Members and friends had a turkey lunch and dessert, graciously put together by Rob, Dan and the staff at St. Andrew’s. Many items were exchanged at the white elephant sale. TACW enjoyed our annual Christmas lunch after discussing business at our last meeting before the new year.

We are grateful to St. Andrew’s United Church staff for catering and setting up a lovely table, and providing our meeting place year after year. We appreciate everyone who came and celebrated the holiday season with TACW.

Emanuela Mousley also hosted a New Year’s lunch for members at her home on Jan. 9.   Thank you for kindly having us!

Following our February meeting we will show a documentary by the National Film Board on the suffragette movement at the beginning of the last century, on loan to us from the PCWO. Happy New Year!

Aurora Zboch